Changing Encryption of PersistentVolumes in Kubernetes

Docker containers are treated as ephemeral, specifically when they are managed in a Kubernetes cluster. Starting and restarting in the cluster is done automatically and works as a breeze. Things get more complicated as soon as you decide to keep state in your cluster. This is typically done by attaching volumes into a cluster (writing to a host mounted volume is an absolute no-no, except for experimental purposes).

On AWS you would typically use dynamic PersistantVolumes bound to EBS or EFS. Once you attach a volume its AWS volume ID gets tracked by Kubernetes.

In the output below you can see that the volume ID is aws://eu-central-1c/vol-a559b271b5fca7dfa:

$ kubectl get pv pvc-a0f6a3ea-ab5a-a1ea-a2ba-a2809894a24a -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
annotations: aws-ebs-dynamic-provisioner "yes"
creationTimestamp: 2018-02-06T15:17:17Z
labels: eu-central-1 eu-central-1c
name: pvc-a0f6a3ea-ab5a-a1ea-a2ba-a2809894a24a
resourceVersion: "125511"
selfLink: /api/v1/persistentvolumes/pvc-a0f6a3ea-ab5a-a1ea-a2ba-a2809894a24a
uid: a0f6a3ea-ab5a-a1ea-a2ba-a2809894a24a
- ReadWriteOnce
fsType: ext4
volumeID: aws://eu-central-1c/vol-a559b271b5fca7dfa
storage: 20Gi
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: mysql-pv-claim
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "22108"
uid: a0f6a3ea-ab5a-a1ea-a2ba-a2809894a24a
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
storageClassName: gp2
phase: Bound

Once that volume has been created you loose the capability to control its encryption status or the ability to change its KMS key.

Why would you want to do such a thing in the first place? Say for example, you created a volume unencrypted, written a lot of application state and now want to encrypt the volume. Or you have encrypted the volumes but now decide to use KMS or CMK and therefore need to change the KMS key of that volume. An simple way would be to create a second volume in Kubernetes and then copy the files over. However, when you do not have access to the applications that are using these volumes, this might not be that easy, specifically if you have hundreds of volumes.

In a pure AWS world, a process exists for this:

  • detach the volume (by stopping the instance),
  • create a snapshot,
  • copy snapshot using the correct encryption method,
  • create a volume out of snapshot in the correct parameters (specifically AZ) and
  • attach it to the instance.

For volumes that are attached to nodes (not masters), you can stop the instances. But before you do that, suspend the corresponding ASG (Auto Scaling Group) launch event. Otherwise the ASG will start a new instance and probably mount the EBS volume there.

If you terminate the instances (as you would probably should in an immutable world), you need to make sure that the ASG will start the new ones in the same AZ. I had a case with 2 nodes in 3 AZs and sure enough the round robin ASG would start the new instance in the previously unused AZ. The problem is that EBS volumes are AZ-bound and in that case the volume couldn’t be attached to that new instance since they were in 2 different AZs.

However, this will change the volume ID that is tracked by Kubernetes. Here our beloved kubectl patch will come handy:

kubectl patch pv pvc-a0f6a3ea-ab5a-a1ea-a2ba-a2809894a24a -p '{"spec":{"awsElasticBlockStore":{"volumeID":"aws://eu

You will also need to copy all the tags to the new volume and modify the tags on the old volumes.

In summary, on Kubernetes I have successfully tried the following procedure:

  • gracefully shutdown the persistent application,
  • pick a volume to exchange and its corresponding node (pv/volumeID and no/volumesAttached,
  • suspend Launch on node ASG,
  • terminate the instance (volume becomes available),
  • check application pods are pending,
  • create a snapshot,
  • copy snapshot using the correct encryption method,
  • create a volume out of snapshot in the correct parameters (specifically AZ, size),
  • copy all tags from original volume (and modify tags on original volume),
  • kubectl patch the PVs volumeID,
  • resume Launch on node ASG,
  • wait for a new instance (check it is in the same AZ as the old one),
  • check pods are running and application is working fine.

Only use procedures like this in your experimental environments. I take no responsibility for any damage!

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List Kubernetes Master Nodes

You can use the command below to show all nodes that are acting as master on your cluster. This is particularly useful when dealing with kops and some versions of canal networking that (accidentally) manipulate the status of the nodes.

kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.taints[]?.key=="") | .metadata.labels.""'

If you have a setup where masters are clearly separated from nodes, no user workloads should be scheduled on that masters (because for example, the security groups will prevent application communication between masters and nodes). In this case, you may want to make sure to check that the NoSchedule effect is applied as a taint:

kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.taints[]?.key=="" and .spec.taints[]?.effect=="NoSchedule") | .metadata.labels.""'
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Using kops and AWS Bastion Hosts Correctly

You have correctly provisioned your AWS infrastructure using AWS Bastion Quickstart or with kops and want to connect to your private instances using the bastion hosts.

First some principles:

  • Terminate your bastion host after using it (set autoscaling to 0).
  • Do not use your bastion host as a store, especially not for anything security relevant
  • Specifically never copy any private key to the bastion host
  • Close down the security group to your specific IP
  • After using the bastion host, close down the security group completely

This may all sound paranoid, but even if some threats are theoretical at best, your security compliance group will come hunting for you if you don’t follow the steps.

To connect to any server in the private subnets, you can use ssh proxying. Add the following snippets to your ~/.ssh/config file

Host bastion
HostName <fqdn of your bastion-elb or bastion-host>
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bastion_rsa # your bastion private key
User ec2-user

Host private-server
User ubuntu
HostName <private IP of your server in private subnet>
ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p bastion
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/privateserver_rsa # your bastion private key

Try connecting to your bastion host first

ssh bastion

Then after succeeding, log out and try

ssh private-server

If you are following the principles above, you will retrovision your bastion host (set autoscaling to 1) every time you need it you will run into an issue: ssh will not connect to the server since you kept the name but the server’s identity has changed. This is a security measure that prevents an intruder to redirect traffic to a new server while keeping the name. You can safely delete the old server’s identity from ssh by using:

ssh-keygen -R <bastion-elb>
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Kubernetes: How to Find Out if ABAC or RBAC is Active

If you want to find out what authorization mode your cluster is running use:

kubectl cluster-info dump | grep authorization-mode
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Kubernetes: kubectl run with ImagePullSecrets

If just want to quickly start a pod then you can use the following one-liner:

kubectl run <name> -it --restart=Never --image=<public image>

This will limit you to public repos. There is no equivalent to using imagePullSecrets in your yaml files, so this won’t work:

kubectl run <name> -it --restart=Never --image=<private image> --image-pull-secrets=<secret>

However you can use the following workaround (a lot to type):

kubectl run <name> -it --restart=Never --image=<private image> --overrides='{ "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": {"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "<secret>"}]} }'
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Terminal: Copying Long Text Lines Without Newline Breaks

If you copy long wrapped lines of shell code in Mac you want the pasted line to be broken down into multiple lines exactly where they were in the original script.

When you are using more, less or any other page formatting tool, your lines will be broken up at where they are wrapped on the screen.

I am using cat for displaying short scripts. It does not format lines and keeps newlines where the need to be.

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Kubernetes: Using kubectl with 100s of Clusters

If you are working with many clusters, you need to configure multiple kubectl configs. You can do this using kubectl –kubeconfig= or by merging your config files.

If however you want to keep access to your config files separate, you might use a script that is exchanging your .kube/config symbolic link. I organize my clusters with numerically (based on a AWS account number), so I rename each cluster config file to say 0123 and put it in my .kube directory. I then use kubeconf 0123 to activate that config. Here is the kubeconf script (located in /usr/local/bin):


set -e

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage $0: <config name>"
    exit -1

if [ ! -f ~/.kube/$1 ]; then
    echo "$0: config file ~/.kube/$1 not found"
    exit -2

if [ -L ~/.kube/config ]; then
    rm ~/.kube/config
    BACKUP=~/.kube/config.$(date  +%F-%T).backup
    echo "Saving current config file to $BACKUP"
    mv ~/.kube/config $BACKUP

echo "Configuring $1 as config"
ln -s ~/.kube/$1 ~/.kube/config
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Using your Synology Diskstation as a SOHO git Server

Yes, you should use GitHub for your public and private repos (IMHO), but if you just need a small office solution with a few machines and / or users and already have a Diskstation (RAID config and backup recommended) why not install a git server locally.

Install the git server as described in the Synology guide. Create users in DSM that match your workstation users and are assigned to the group Users. In git server DSM manager assign those users to git. Then use the following steps to create repos on the server (guide assumes diskstation is your dns name of the Synology):

ssh admin@diskstation
cd /volume1/Repos # that folder needs to be created within volume manager

git init --bare --shared MyRepo.git

The option bare makes the repo a server representation of a git repository without a working directory and share makes the repo read/write enabled for all Users group members.

On your workstations you can than use the git ssh protocol to clone the created empty repos:

# if your local user and diskstation user match, clone as:
git clone ssh://diskstation/volume1/Repos/MyRepo.git

# if your local user and disk station user do not match, clone as:
git clone ssh://your-user@diskstation/volume1/Repos/MyRepo.git

If you want to push your existing local git repos to the newly created diskstation counterparts use:

cd MyRepo
git remote add origin ssh://diskstation/volume1/Repos/MyRepo.git
git push --set-upstream origin master

After the set-upstream option you can omit it for further pushes.

You can save yourself from typing passwords and increase security by using ssh keys (copy your public key to the diskstation).

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Kubernetes & Kops: Make Your Own Encrypted Debian AMI

Kops is the most popular solution to install Kubernetes on AWS in a highly-available way. Debian is the preferred Linux distro for kops, which is somewhat annoying if you see that CoreOS is the preferred container Linux.

Moreover, the Debian AMI for kops is custom build, not only the OS itself, but also the kernel. AMIs are marked public, so you can easily reuse them. As soon as you want to encrypt your images, you will need access to the underlying snapshot that is not public at the moment.

You may instantiate an EC2 instance, encrypt the snapshot or you can use kube-deploy to make yourself your own image the same way that kops does.

Clone the kube-deploy repo, configure your aws credential and run the following steps in the kube-deploy folder:

./hack/ # comment out the imagebuilder call in this file

# be careful not to overwrite your key at id_rsa!
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f $(pwd)/.ssh/id_rsa -C "${USER}@${HOSTNAME}" -N ""

aws ec2 import-key-pair  --key-name "id_rsa" --public-key-material file:///$(pwd)/.ssh/

docker run --rm -ti -v "$PWD":/usr/local/go/src/ -w /usr/local/go/src/ -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws:ro -v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro golang:1.8 bash

In the container that is starting run:


export AWS_REGION=$(aws configure get region)

imagebuilder --config=aws.yaml --replicate=false

Wait and proceed with AMIs with Encrypted Snapshots

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Kubernetes: Make Pods Run on Your Master Nodes

Some pods you might want to run on your master nodes, too. This may be because they are exporting master node metrics or even to save resources: say you want many instances of a specific pod. In that case (and given you are on Kubernetes >= 1.7) you can use tolerations to override NoSchedule taints. Add this to your pod’s spec:

  - effect: NoSchedule

You may even want your pods to run only on master nodes. Then add this node selector key to your pod spec:

nodeSelector: ""

But be aware that masters may not be able to communicate to nodes, due to your setup (security groups etc).

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