Kubernetes: Using kubectl with 100s of Clusters

If you are working with many clusters, you need to configure multiple kubectl configs. You can do this using kubectl –kubeconfig= or by merging your config files.

If however you want to keep access to your config files separate, you might use a script that is exchanging your .kube/config symbolic link. I organize my clusters with numerically (based on a AWS account number), so I rename each cluster config file to say 0123 and put it in my .kube directory. I then use kubeconf 0123 to activate that config. Here is the kubeconf script (located in /usr/local/bin):


set -e

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage $0: <config name>"
    exit -1

if [ ! -f ~/.kube/$1 ]; then
    echo "$0: config file ~/.kube/$1 not found"
    exit -2

if [ -L ~/.kube/config ]; then
    rm ~/.kube/config
    BACKUP=~/.kube/config.$(date  +%F-%T).backup
    echo "Saving current config file to $BACKUP"
    mv ~/.kube/config $BACKUP

echo "Configuring $1 as config"
ln -s ~/.kube/$1 ~/.kube/config

About Grischa Ekart

Follow me on Twitter: @gekart. I am a trainer and consultant for AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Machine Learning and all things DevOps.
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